HBR Recovery Boutique

A carefully curated collection of the products and educational resources that help women and their family members recover from surgery comfortably, confidently, and successfully.

We wrote the book on all-natural breast reconstruction for women who have undergone total mastectomy. Literally! “Whole Again” is available now.

Our popular “Recovery Recipes” book details custom-made recipes that include the nutrients that are scientifically-proven to help women recover after breast reconstruction surgery

Paper tape has been scientifically proven to improve scars when used for the first 3 months after surgery


Creams that contain liquid silicone have been shown improve both early and late scars

Kao USA Inc.

Bio-Oil is a relatively new product that improves the long-term appearance of scars

AWD Medical

Silicone scar tape is an alternative to paper tape

Surgical drain holders can be very convenient for when you are in the shower, as well as the rest of the day


Post-surgical bras offer support and comfort that many women find helpful for first 1-2 months after surgery



Abdominal binders help to shape and support the lower abdomen, which can be very helpful after DIEP flap surgery



Compression sleeves for an arm that has lymph nodes removed from it can help to reduce swelling, and the long-term risk of lymphedema


Wedge sleeping pillows can be used for comfortable positioning and sleeping bed